If you are in need of a Food Parcel, you will need to get an online referral before you can use The North Guildford Food Bank. Please do not come to a session without a prior arrangement. The referral deadline is always by 3 pm the day before.
The following agencies can make an online referral for you if you are experiencing financial difficulties:
- Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB)
- Social Services
- Health Visitors
- Christians Against Poverty (CAP)
- Children’s centres
- Guildford Action for Families
- Guildford Borough Council (Family Support Team & Community Wellbeing Team)
- Local schools
- Many Guildford churches
- Local community wardens
- Doctors surgeries
- Vaughan House
- Home School Link Workers
- Probation Service
- Youth Support Service
- Age UK Surrey
- Homestart
(Please note evidence of the crisis may be requested).
If you’re unable to contact anyone to refer you, please email with your details and size of family. We prefer to receive requests from a referrer if at all possible.
[email protected] for Park Barn
If you can’t email, please call us on 07583025435 (we can’t respond to texts).
If you are a new referrer then please email us on [email protected]. We will arrange for you to be set up on our system.